Overall, I enjoyed the Stukent book. I thought that the book was professionally well written. I really liked the layout of the book. I liked how all the chapters are on the left side. When you click on the chapters, it shows you the different sections within that chapter. Lots of my books that I have for my other classes aren’t set up this way. To be honest, there is not much that I would change about the book. 

I would have liked to talk about chapter 14. I have a basic understanding of influencers, however, I would have liked to go more in depth. I did not read the chapter because we did not go over it in class and it was not on our syllabus. I skimmed the chapter for this blog. After I am done writing my blog, I am planning on reading the chapter. I loved that Lays potato chips got Derek Hough to do a commercial. I absolutely love Derek. If you read my AHHHH blog, you know that I am a huge Dancing With The Stars fan. Derek Hough is my favorite judge. I grew up watching him dance. Getting him to do a Lays commercial is a huge deal to Dancing With The Stars watchers. 

The chapter that I learned the most in was Chapter 2. To be honest, I had no idea that you have your own personal brand. After reading the chapter, it makes sense. I think that the chapter does a great job explaining how to develop and create your personal brand. I also think that having a personal vision is something that is really important. It helps you see yourself in the future. Without having a vision of what you want your future to look like, why continue with your personal brand? This is so surprising to me but the chapter I liked the most was chapter 6. I have never used X until this class. I think that because X is new to me, there was so much that I learned. After reading the chapter, lecture and doing the X assignment, I feel like I am more equipped to take on X. It was my birthday when I did the X assignment. It was also 100% more fun that my family was there with me. I think that is why I enjoyed doing the X assignment so much! 


  1. Megan,
    You provided some great insight into the overall Stukent chapters! I also found Chapter 2 to be very interesting because it explores how you can market yourself! Great post!


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