Insert sick Megs, but picture it last week. I never get sick, but when I do, I am down for the count. I was sick in the middle of September. It started as a head cold, coughing, sore throat, headache, and overall body ache. I didn’t go to the health center because I thought it was from the change of the weather. However, as the days went on, I kept feeling absolutely terrible. So on Monday of last week, I finally went to the doctor. I told her my symptoms and she said that I have bronchitis. Yay me! She prescribed me antibiotics which have been working. I feel a lot better this week. 

Last week, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I had a relatively easy week. Which worked out because I felt terrible. One thing that is nice but also stinks this semester is that all of my assignments are due on Thursday. It is nice because I can work ahead. What stinks is that more often than not I get overwhelmed with everything I have to do. I am also a big stresser. Oftentimes, I try to finish everything before Thursday so that I don’t feel so stressed. 

Saturday was Polar Preview Day at Ohio Northern University. Polar Preview Day is where hundreds of high school students and their families come to ONU. My job, as a bear ambassador is to give group tours of Mac, library, Kinghorn, and the freshman dorms. There is an activities fair in the indoor track with a bunch of student organizations and ONU colleges. I love seeing prospective students go to the business college booth. It's crazy to think that a few years ago I was in their same shoes. After Polar Preview Day, Chelsea and I decided to surprise my parents by going home. It was so nice to see their surprised faces when we walked through the door. My dog, Dobby, was so excited too. His little tail did not stop. My old cat, Lucy, didn’t seem too happy. However, Chelsea and I both knew that deep down she wanted to see us. Sunday was a chill day too. We went to church and got coffee after of course. Does anyone have any coffee suggestions? I think I need a change from iced caramel lattes.


  1. I'm glad you're feeling better! Being sick is the worst. Polar Preview Day sounds so fun! I think it's a great experience for high school students who attend.

  2. Being sick and still having to get work done is the worst, I'm glad you had a relatively light week and are feeling better now!


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