Happy last blog! It does not feel like 15 weeks ago, I started blogging for the first time. My blogging experience has had its ups and downs. However, I am glad to say that I have enjoyed this experience. I can’t help but to reflect on how much wisdom I have gained from this class as well as blogging every week. I feel like often I just write mindlessly for various papers. It gets boring writing about a certain topic because I have to for a research paper. This blogging experience has helped me find joy in writing again. Thank you Aggie!

Megs had a very eventful week. On Monday, I had class and did homework. I also went to a Healthcare Business Association speaker that night. Tuesday was my busiest day of the whole week. I had class at 9:30 a.m., a meeting at 11 a.m., class at noon, work at 2 p.m., a meeting at 4:15 p.m. and decorating Dicke for Christmas at 5 p.m. I was so tired. I also learned that I will be a Lead Course Assistant for Ethical Leadership next semester! I am so incredibly blessed to take on this role. I can’t help but to draw parallel with my very first blog. You can read it to find my parallel. Wednesday was my “fun” day. After my classes, I went to work. I also spent three hours in Starbucks working on various homework assignments. I had a Peer Mentor Coordinator meeting that night. We also had a Peer Mentor trivia event. Sadly, my team lost all five rounds. I hate losing. My dad always says, “Second place is first loser.” Grrr. Thursday was a blur to be honest. I had (you guessed it) class and work. I honestly do not remember what else I did. After class on Friday, Chelsea and I drove home.

Saturday is what I called “Chelsea’s day.” We went to The Ohio State University Optometry visit day! Even though I don’t want to be an optometrist, I thought the whole experience was fantastic. We first sat through an introductory lecture. The Dr. who spoke really knew his information. I take back what I said. He made me think that I should become an optometrist. Then we went to a financial meeting. All you need to know is that secondary education is not cheap! We then had a tour of the optometry building. It is brand new and beautiful. It was also great to support Chelsea by being there with her. She is going to be a great optometrist! We ended the day by going to the Easton Mall where we ate at the Cheesecake Factory. If you don’t order a chocolate cheesecake, you're doing something wrong. I was the one in the food coma now! See last week's blog for parallel!


  1. So excited to hear you'll be a course assistant for ethical leadership next semester! I'm taking that class, so fingers crossed you'll be in the same time block!

  2. Oh my gosh I didn't even know we had course assistants in ethical leadership! That is so exciting!


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