Guys. It was me. I was the one who finished the simulation first and I regret it. It was a mistake. I didn't mean to do it all in one sitting. I also didn’t realize I was doing all the rounds. I thought it would tell me when I finished the first round. But it didn’t. I felt so awkward in class because everyone was talking about the simulation asking who finished it. I just sat there in silence. I didn't want anyone to suspect that it was me. Luckily, nobody did. One of my classmates asked me what I thought of the simulation for the week. To be honest, I had no idea what round they were on. I said that it was okay. And they agreed with me. I thought that I gave it away that I was the first to finish. I don’t think they suspected anything. I am upset that I did the simulation all at once because I am by the bottom of the leaderboard most of the rounds. I know that if I did the rounds when we were supposed to, I probably would have done better. The book and the simulation go hand and hand. It would have been nice to see what the book said when I was posting on different social media sites. But that didn’t happen. At the same time, I am glad that I finished it early. It was nice to not have to worry about it.

When I was younger, I thought that it would be cool to run a business account. However, after doing the simulation, I realized that running a company's social media account is not for me. I felt pressure to get the most money from each post and influencers. If I feel pressure from a simulation, how would I be able to do it in real life? I’ll pass. Since I don’t have a business account, I never think about how to increase sales. However, the simulation challenged me to think about how to increase sales by what to caption for posts and even what to say to potential influencers. The influencer round really did me dirty. I thought I picked the perfect influencers to promote the Buhi brand. It turns out the influencers I picked gave me basically no money. So thank you Jokers and Ryan Ball.


  1. Megan,
    Don't feel too bad about doing it all at once! I started doing the same thing and had to stop myself, but I bet it was nice not having to work on it all year lol
    - Drew Butera

  2. There were times that I also struggled during the Sim, also at least you got it done early and didn't have to worry about it!


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