I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break! I sure did. Thanksgiving time makes me think of everything I am thankful for.  One thing I am thankful for is cold weather. I know I am in the minority but it is true. It was so cold in Troy this week! It rained a bunch too. Wet and cold is not a good combination. The worst part is that I left my winter coat at school. I brought my raincoat but it was not warm at all. Brrr. 

What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving? Mine is the food. My family has all the classic Thanksgiving food on turkey day. Stuffing, rolls and cornbread casserole are my favorites. I am not picky when it comes to food. However, green bean casserole is not my go to. One thing about me is that I am a huge dessert fan. Chelsea and I made three old fashioned cream pies and a peanut butter pie. You have not lived if you haven’t tried our pies. Our last name is Baker for a reason. My sister brought sweet potato casserole. We have never had sweet potato casserole at any of our holiday meals ever. Let me tell you, Holly made the best sweet potato casserole I have ever had. We will be having sweet potato casserole more often. My other sister brought rolls. Bread is my comfort food. I always look forward to eating leftovers on holidays. I was excited to make a turkey sandwich the next day.

A lot happened Friday. My mom, dad, Chelsea and I ran some aarons. We went to my moms work, the bank and got coffee. Are you even surprised that we got coffee at this point? When we came back, the container that the rolls were in was on the floor. My dog, Dobby, ate all the rolls in the container. Grrr. I was upset. Looks like no turkey sandwich for Megs. Dobby was sleepy all day. We said that he was in a bread coma. We also decorated for Christmas on Friday! It is my favorite day of the year. The tree has colorful lights and every ornament we collected throughout the years. Saturday was a chill day. Chelsea and I met our friend Ashley at a coffee shop in downtown Troy. I got a honey vanilla latte. If you guys are in Troy sometime soon, go to Purebread! You won’t regret it.


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