Does anyone else just feel like screaming for no reason? I felt like that this week. Honestly, I am not quite sure why. Sometimes you just need to let it out. Try it! Wherever you are sitting right now, let out a scream. The worst thing that could happen is having people stare at you. Oh well! You will feel so much better after. You can thank me in the comment section. 

Did I let out a scream while I was writing this? Maybe. Dancing With The Stars really made me mad this week. SPOILER ALERT: Harry Jowsey (in my opinion) should not still be on the show. No hate to him, but he just is not the best dancer. Some stars who are good dancers were voted off. Lele Pons got voted off last week. My friends and I were all shocked. I think that Harry is still on the show because of his huge following and because of his looks. I think that the stars should stay on the show because of their dancing not because of their looks. I am done ranting now.

As for the rest of my week, I didn’t have any exams. In my past blogs, I have mentioned that all of my homework is due on Thursdays. This week, I got all my homework done on Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday, I didn’t know what to do with myself. Those were the first two days in weeks where I didn’t do any homework. I sat on my couch and relaxed. Saturday was so fun! Chelsea and I volunteered at Beautitudes where we handed out free Thanksgiving food. We got tons of cars to stop by. Some even honked. After we volunteered, we went to our friend's apartment. She made soup and bread which was delicious. Then we went to Vibe Coffee Shop in Lima. I got a blackberry mocha. It was so good. Later in the day, we ate dinner with our friends. It was so funny because we all wanted different food. Some of my friends wanted Jalapenos and my other friends wanted McDonalds. Sorry to all the Jalapenos lovers. I sided with McDonalds this time. It was so nice to see all of my friends. We all have been so busy the past few weeks. Saturdays are really the only day when we can all come together and hangout. Sunday was chill! We went to church and ate lunch with my parents! We also had a Thanksgiving peer mentor event. The food is always so good!


  1. I have never been into Dancing With The Stars, but I know they are doing a Taylor Swift week and I am very excited!

  2. I feel the same way about The Voice as you feel about Dancing with the Stars, I get so into that show! I also feel the same way about the screaming, except I do it into my pillow!!

  3. Homemade bread and soup sound so good! A meal shared with friends is always so special!

  4. I've seen the Harry Jowsey stuff on Tik Tok, but have yet to watch the show! Sounds interesting though, I may tune in for Taylor Swift week!

  5. I love how you made this blog entertaining to read! And bread with soup, especially homemade, does indeed sound good.


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