I have never used X before. I honestly got the app just for this class. Overall, I had a great time posting on X for the assignment. It was simple and easy to use. When I heard that we are doing the X assignment over homecoming weekend, I had mixed emotions. This year, homecoming fell on Chelsea and my birthday. The thing is that we always go home for our birthday. However, we stayed on campus this year. I am so glad we stayed! We all had such a great time.

I did my X assignment on the parade because it is something I always look forward to each year. I started my X assignment on Friday with a post notifying my followers that homecoming is the next day. I also said that it is my birthday. To top it all off, I posted a photo with my best friend, Ammryn. On Saturday, my first post was to say I will be posting for the next 45 minutes to an hour as a courtesy for my followers. As you can see in my comments on the posts, I got super excited when the parade began. The band and color guard started the parade and the excitement was felt by everyone on Main Street. There were smiles, waves, and laughs. I love listening to the band and watching the color guard. As mentioned in this week's blog, I have a bunch of friends in the band and color guard. Supporting my friends by watching the parade and posting about them on X is the least I can do. Once I saw my friends, I screamed. My fingers could not type fast enough for a post. I also loved when the Allen East High School band performed. I think we have some future bears! My next post was a picture of the dance team! One of my good friends is on the Northern Stars dance team and they all rocked it. I am not sure about you guys but I am not flexible at all. They are doing spins and turns left and right. They also have style! My other posts were on ONU sororities, Ada first responders, and how Main Street was empty when the parade finished. I finished the assignment by saying the parade has ended and that I am headed to the homecoming tent next. 

When the parade ended, and Main Street was empty, I couldn’t help but to be sad. I had such a fun time cheering, laughing, and waving to my friends. I also had such great company. Having a great family by your side will make anything fun!


  1. Megan,
    I hope your birthday was amazing! Being a part of the homecoming weekend activities must have been the perfect way to celebrate. Your X assignment seemed like a blast, and it's awesome to hear that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Your post was fantastic!


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