As everyone knows this past Saturday was homecoming for Ohio Northern University. What some of you might know, it was also my birthday! I woke up on Saturday to Chelsea coming into my room saying, “Happy birthday! I made you pancakes.” I got up right away. 

After a much needed delicious birthday breakfast, Chelsea and I went to Starbucks, where we met our parents. The best part was that my drink was free on the Starbucks app! We all traveled outside to watch the parade. I love listening to the band and watching the color guard. I think it is because I have tons of friends in the band and color guard. My other sister Abby, and her husband Alan accidentally woke up late. They ended up missing the parade. However, everyone was able to go to the homecoming tent! I got to see a bunch of my friends at the business booth. My friend painted a paw print on my hand. It was super cute! The pharmacy club had their annual design a tote bag booth. I have designed a bag every year. This year, I included my name, flowers, hearts, and a black swan. Let me tell you, I filled my tote up with tons of free items. After the homecoming tent, my family and I went to El Campo for lunch. We met Chelsea and my best friend l Myah there. I got grilled veggies on chicken and rice of course! Then, we went to our apartment, opened presents, and ate cake. My parents left shortly after they finished their cake. Abby and Alan took us out for drinks at Tavern. I got a signature drink called crown jewel. I recommend it! Then we went to our friends room and watched movies and ate pizza. They also got us wine!

Sunday was a chill day. Finally! After church, we drove to Findlay to a restaurant called Cheddar’s. It reminded me of a combination of Applebee’s and Chilli’s. After getting a little lost in Findlay, we made it back to our apartment. We all did homework and talked about random things while watching Dancing With The Stars. When it was time for Myah to leave, I got sad. She is someone that I can go to with anything. I hope everyone has a friend like Myah. 


  1. I love the title of this blog! It was super busy!

  2. I'm so glad you had such a great birthday!! You're the cutest :)


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