My twin Chelsea loves Pinterest. She started using the app when she was 12. She had hundreds of boards of just about everything. I, on the other hand, thought it was stupid. I also didn’t understand it. My little mind could not comprehend pinning photos. Now that I am older, I love Pinterest. I love looking up hair ideas as well as engagement rings (even though I am single). One of the first things I thought was interesting was the ratio between male to female users. I knew females use Pinterest more than males but I didn’t know by that much. It makes sense though because I don’t think I have ever seen a man on Pinterest before. The second thing I found interesting was Pinterest’s algorithm. I had no idea that the algorithm is based on domain quality, pin quality, Pinner quality, and relevance. Pinner quality was what caught my attention. I like how more people interact with the pin, the pinner quality score increases. And not to mention the fun name!

It is also interesting to me when to post on Pinterest. The book says that the best time to post is on Saturday 2 pm to 4 pm and 8 pm to 1 am. I find it funny that the best time to post is really late at night and very early in the morning. I liked that the book included a list of the certain topics that perform on specific days of the week. I love that Wednesdays are inspirational quotes. Everyone needs more inspirational quotes in their life! However, I think my favorite on the list is Thursday fashion. Fashion inspiration is something that I always look at on Pinterest. Sometimes I need inspiration on what to wear. I will look on Pinterest and find outfits that I want to recreate for myself. I like to also search for Halloween outfit ideas during the spooky season.


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