Yay chapter 8 again! I feel like Pinterest is something that I could talk about and not get bored. I mentioned in my last chapter blog that I thought Pinterest was stupid. I just didn’t understand the concept of pinning pictures. I have a new understanding of Pinterest after reading the chapter twice. I have realized that I go on the app more than I ever have these past few weeks. I think it is because I am more aware of the app because of the readings. 

I have always thought that marketing with Pinterest was a smart idea. I remember when the app did not have advertising. It was always a “missed opportunity” I thought. Pinterest has a feature where you can click on the product and a visual search will appear. You can find that product or similar products with a tap. I loved the section on Pinterest shopping. I know nothing about shopping on Pinterest. The short video in the section was a great representation of Pinterest shopping. It was a cute way to show that you can find anything on Pinterest that best suits your style. Another thing that I found interesting was how recent Your Shop is. I did not think that it was only a year old (if that). Even though it is interesting, it is something that I will personally not use. At least not right now anyways. 

I love to look at the differences of how COVID affects different social media sites, especially Pinterest. What was most shocking to me was the increase in searches for easy lunch recipes for kids. The searches went up 128%. 128%! My mouth actually dropped. The whole food section also interested me. The fact that searches for yeastless bread recipes went up 45% is so funny to me. During COVID, it makes sense that all categories in the book increased. I think that because everyone was stuck inside, they all needed inspiration on what to make. They also had nothing else to do. 


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