Yay! Snapchat! Snapchat is one of my favorite social media sites. I have never thought of how Snapchat started. With that in mind, I really enjoyed reading about the beginning of Snapchat. I am a very visual person so I liked seeing the chart in section two. It is really cool to see how much Snapchat has grown throughout the years. The chart looks pretty steady then takes off in quarter 4 of 2019. The book also says that 750 million users send over four billion snaps per day. Four billion!? My mind cannot comprehend four billion. I was surprised to see that Snapchat is the 10th most popular social media site. I think that this is so shocking to me because I use Snapchat so much.

Before reading the book, I knew that Snapchat’s advertising is effective. When I watch videos on Snap, I have to wait five seconds to watch an advertisement every 20 or so seconds. Even though I hate watching the five seconds worth of ads, I think that is great for Snapchat from a business perspective. The users have to watch the ad before watching the end of the video. Also, when I watch videos on Snap, I typically watch the whole video. With that being said, the five seconds add up pretty quickly. I am watching about a minute's worth of ads without even realizing it. Very sneaky!

When I read that Snapchat users open the app 30+ times a day, my mouth dropped. That’s crazy! When I first got Snapchat in 7th grade, I would go on it 30+ times a day. I realized a few years ago that I am spending too much time on social media. So I set myself a 15 minute timer for Snapchat and Instagram. I have never heard of snap bidding before. I learned that there are two different types of snap bidding. The first one is goal-based bidding and the second is automated bidding. I would like to learn more about both types of bidding. After reading the section, I still am having a hard time understanding what it means. I also really liked reading the success stories in section seven. The one that stood out to me most was the Ralph Lauren campaign. I am a huge fan of fashion and clothes. If I would have seen that ad on Snapchat when it came out, I would have definitely bought Ralph Lauren clothes. Below is my snapcode. I thought it would be funny to add it in!


  1. Thinking about all of the numbers is definitely insane. After reading the chapter I definitely tried to limit how many times a day I was opening Snapchat.

  2. I also think four billion is a crazy number for the number of snaps per day. I loved reading this blog about snapchat!


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