X is an app that I just got in September. If it wasn’t for this class, I wouldn’t have downloaded X. I think that I have only gone on the app three times. I had to update my profile picture, follow my friends, and answer a bunch of questions on what I am interested in. Maybe I am wrong but I feel like on X especially, everyone forces their political views on each other. For this reason, I tried to avoid downloading X. Now that I have the app, my prenotion was proven false. I haven’t seen any political views/opinions yet. This draws parallel with my X algorithm. The algorithm is based on posts that I engage with. This can be posts that I have clicked on, similar and related posts, and even topics that X thinks I would like. I love to read about the different algorithms that social media sites have. Most of the algorithms are similar, but it is interesting to notice the differences. 

Since I recently downloaded the app, I don’t know too much about it. I thought the second section was the most helpful. One thing that blew my mind was the number of monthly active users, which is 368 million. This surprised me because that seems like such a large number but X is still ranked the 14th most popular social media platform. Compared to Facebook, 368 million seems like nothing. Another thing that I thought was interesting in section two was when to post on X. Monday through Saturday constantly at 9 a.m. is the best time to post. The section about verified organizations also really interested me. I didn’t realize that companies could get verified on X. I like how the verification is gold instead of blue like other social media sites. I think that the verified organization idea is important for brands. It helps brand awareness which is important on any social media site. 

I have mentioned in my past blogs that I am very visual. I loved seeing the visual in section eight called Why Create Visual Content? What I found most interesting was that information transmitted to our brain is in visual form. It made me think of all the visual information I see in a day. The thing is that I don’t even realize how much visual content I see in a day, especially on social media. It is a lot more than what I think.


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