Did anyone else have a really busy weekend? I felt like I did not have the chance to actually sit down and relax. Friday night, Chelsea and I went to our friend's apartment. She made us frozen pizza and we watched a movie called Don’t Worry Darling. Mainly because Harry Styles stars in it. It was a psychological thriller. I don’t think I will watch it again because it messed with my head. 

Saturday was a busy day! Chelsea and I woke up early and worked at admissions. It was crazy because there were tons of tours. For my first tour, the student is interested in majoring in chemistry. She wants to do research in the field. How cool is that! Another tour I had was a boy and his mom. He is interested in the pharmacy program here at Ohio Northern University. When I introduced myself, I told them that I want to go into pharmaceutical sales. The mom said, “That’s what I do!” She even gave me her business card. I am planning on reaching out to her soon to network. Later in the day, my friends and I went to a new coffee shop in Lima called Vibe Coffee House. I worked on my Pinterest assignment and sent some emails. Chelsea and I have a tradition that after every Saturday we work, we get Starbucks. So  unfortunately I did not get coffee at Vibe Coffee House. I did try some of my friend’s drink, which was pretty good. I am excited to go back and actually order an iced caramel latte for myself. 

On Sunday, I stepped out of my comfort zone. After church, I had the chance to talk infront of 20 ONU students about my experience at the SEEK conference last year. For those of you that don’t know, SEEK is a huge national Catholic conference. Last year, 17,000 college students from all around the world attended SEEK in St. Louis, Missouri. Something that I will never forget is being together with thousands of like minded-individuals. It was such an amazing site to see. Tons of things happen at SEEK. There were multiple talks, hundreds of booths filled with merch to buy, mass, and even swing dancing. Ben Rector even performed one night! If anyone is interested in going, I can give you more information!


  1. Megan,
    It sounds like you had a very eventful and fun weekend! I certainly did as well. They are always fun but can definitely take a lot out of you! Great post!

  2. Omg sounds so fun! Love this post!


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