When I took a tour of Ohio Northern a few years ago, my tour guide (bear ambassador/BA) was so welcoming. I will never forget how she took an interest in everything I had to say. She asked me questions about where I am from, what I am interested in, and what I want to do. I could tell that she had a passion for giving tours. I visited another school a few weeks after I visited ONU. I knew something was off because I set the bar so high for ONU that I didn’t like the other college. This other college I visited was also not very welcoming or as inviting as ONU. I was dead set on coming to Ohio Northern.

When I was a little freshman, I really wanted to be a bear ambassador. I wanted to have an impact on students just like the impact my tour guide had on me. Luckily, I had a friend I met in club that was a bear ambassador. I told her that I was interested in working in admissions. She answered my questions and told me about all the various things she does as a BA. Hearing what she had to say sparked my interest even more. A few weeks later, I got an email saying that I got recommended by someone to be a BA. Like any job, if you have a recommendation, you are higher to get that position. I am not sure who recommended me, but I am 99.7% sure it was my friend from the club. I went to the interview, and I got the job! 

There's been a rumor going around that the worker who is incharge of all the BA’s only hires extraverted people. This is not true. The more that I work in the office, the more introverted tour guides I meet. Sometimes I forget that some people aren’t as extraverted as me. For example, there was a freshman last year who went to my high school. I texted him saying that this would be a great opportunity for him to apply. I even recommended him to my boss. On a Polar Preview Day, I ran into him in the freshman dorms. He looked terrified of the huge group of students and their parents. He did not end up applying.


  1. I loved hearing about this! Seeing all the admissions tours going on the past couple of weeks makes me want to look into being a Bear Ambassador too!

  2. Megan, I loved reading about your job! I can tell you really love doing this, and you seem great at it! Keep doing what you enjoy!


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