Does anyone else feel stressed this week? Well I sure do. I keep a sticky note on my computer with all my assignments and due dates for the week. For the first time this semester, my sticky note is full. I’m talking two exams, one quiz, and five assignments. I am so excited to cross everything off when I get done. It's so satisfying!

My first exam was on Monday in legal environment. The exam had 25 application questions over nine outlines. I thought the exam was easy for the most part. There were some questions that could have been any of the answers. I definitely felt like I could have studied more. I kept myself busy with things I wanted to do. For example, over the weekend, I went to the ONU football game, got ice cream, and got hibachi with friends on Saturday. On Sunday, I participated in the door decoration contest for HBA and DAC. I went to a game night at my church. We played a game that was similar to Apples to Apples. I did not win. Still upset about it. My parents also came and visited. They brought me some white chicken chili. Hands down, one of the best meals on planet earth.

Another class that I am in is operations management. Operations management has lots of mathematical formulas that find efficiency in a business. This could be through supply chain or other business functions. One thing about me is that I hate math. There I said it. Math has always been something that I have struggled with for as long as I could remember. I know what you're thinking, “It’s easy. All you do is plug in the numbers.” Yes, I know, but I always end up putting wrong numbers in the calculator and getting the wrong answer. Every time. I also get too impatient to double check my math in my calculator. We typically have two or three operations management homework due each week. Of course, three assignments are due this week. Add it to the list. Finally, I have a finance exam later in the week. Finance speaks for itself. I cringe every time I need to plug numbers in a formula. Let’s hope I do well on this exam!


  1. I hope your exam goes well! I agree, I feel like classes are really starting to pick up this time in the semester. Hopefully next week will be more relaxed for you!


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