Oh no! I did not write about my podcast assignment that was due two weeks ago. Well now is better than never! I partnered with my friend, Kylie, who is also in the principles of social media class for the podcast assignment. We had to interview someone who is an expert in our field of interest. Kylie and I are both interested in business, so naturally we picked someone who knows their stuff. Dr. Newman is an adjunct professor of accounting at Ohio Northern University. She has many accomplishments in her professional career. She went to Ohio Northern University in the 1980s, as well as law school at Wayne State University of Law. She worked at Deloitte as a national tax partner. In other words, she's a complete boss.  

Kylie and I both knew that Dr. Newman is a busy lady. We were both nervous that we couldn’t find a time that works best for all of us. We settled on a Tuesday which gave us plenty of time to finish the assignment. When the date arrived, I felt a little nervous to ask Dr. Newman the questions we prepared. I think it was because I have never done a podcast before. I also did not know what to expect. 

We asked Dr. Newman a broad array of questions. Some questions were about public relations (PR), the business side of Deloitte, and even work-life balance. Even though Dr. Newman is not a professional in PR, she did say, “Public relations does touch every aspect of business.” I thought this was really interesting because I have never thought of PR like this before. At Deloitte, she managed a group of 3,000 people. I was in awe when she said that. I cannot imagine being the boss of 3,000 workers. Kylie and I then asked Dr. Newman about her work-life balance. She thought that this was a great question. She also said that it was a question that she didn’t get asked often. Dr. Newman gave wise advice saying, “We make choices at each step of life.” She talked about how her daughter was on a travel ice skating team when she was younger. Dr. Newman would go to her daughter's practices and do her work for the day. I love that she was able to do her work while being there with her daughter. I really enjoyed doing this podcast with Kylie and Dr. Newman!


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