Did anyone else think that Friday was just dragging? I had three classes and I hate to admit it, but I could not pay attention to anything that my professors were talking about. My mind was set on the idea of going home for the first time in two weeks. Two weeks doesn’t seem long, but when all you do is homework and go to class, I needed a break. Ahhhh Labor Day weekend. Just what I need. That weekend is loved by everyone because it is a time to relax and be with family. That's why I like it anyways. 

I have always loved Labor Day weekend for two reasons. First, no school. That just goes without saying! Being a college student, all I do is homework. With me being an upperclassman, all my homework requires lots of brainpower and energy. It is what I signed up for, yes, but burnout has always come quickly to me. I know what you're thinking, “Megan, it is only the third week of school. How are you going to get through to the end?” Honestly, I have no idea. More Labor Days? Second, my family always has a cookout on Labor Day. I don’t know about you guys, but my family bonds around the dinner table. It is a sacred space where we are all together eating delicious food and talking about memories that we all share. Ever since I was little, every year, we would have a feast of burgers, chicken, potato salad, corn, and every dessert known to man. I have a very large family and when we get together, man can we all eat. My retired neighbor, and family friend, Pam, typically comes over too. She always brings her signature salad every time without fail. Add it to the list! You have not lived until you tried Pam’s legendary salad. Just saying. 

  My dad loves to grill. Labor Day is typically the last day for him to grill out before the dreaded snow and ice comes in a few weeks. Or maybe even tomorrow. You never know with Ohio. My friend told me that next fall semester, Labor Day will be the first weekend that everyone will be back on campus. You better believe that I will be going home. There is no way that I am missing an annual Baker Labor Day cookout. 


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