Saturday September 16th, 2023 will be marked down in history for my family. My older sister, Abby, got married to the love of her life, Alan. Alan is perfect for Abby. I see the love that the two of them share for each other five years ago when they started dating. The day started early with hair and makeup. My twin, Chelsea, and I got up at the crack of dawn to get our hair done first. Abby wanted all the bridesmaids to get ready at our childhood house. I loved seeing the house filled with bridesmaids, photographers, and hairstylists. The energy in the house was something that reminded me of when all six kids still lived at home. It is something that I didn’t realize I missed. Everyone was so excited for Abby and Alan. 

A girl’s wedding day is something we dream about. Trust me, I know. Since we were little, Abby, Chelsea, and I daydreamed about what we wanted our wedding to look like, who to invite, and what style of dress to wear. I could tell that Abby’s wedding day was more than she could ever imagine. Abby was filled with so much excitement and joy. It makes my heart happy to see Abby so excited to marry Alan. At weddings, I love to watch the groom when the bride comes down the aisle. When Abby walked down the aisle, Alan cried. I don’t blame him. Abby looked absolutely stunning. The church was packed with friends and family of both the bride and groom. I think all 260 guests were crying. I realized I didn’t know lots of the guests. Alan’s extended family is huge! After the ceremony, we took tons of pictures outside the church and downtown. I am so excited to see the final results. The reception was filled with tons of food and dancing. I also realized that Alan’s family loves to dance. They were tearing up the dance floor. Not to brag, but I was too. My legs were so sore the next day.

Every year, Ohio Northern University has an event called Family and Siblings Day. The day is for students' families to come and visit campus. Family and Siblings Day is one of my favorite days. Even though I couldn’t go to Family and Siblings Day, I couldn’t help but to draw the connection between the families that visit campus and everyone at the wedding. Whether you were in Ada or at Abby and Alan’s wedding, excitement was felt. 


  1. This was an awesome read. I loved how I was able to feel the emotions through your words. And yes, BIG NEWS and Congratulations!!!

  2. This is so exciting! Congratulations to your sister!


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