Ahh Instagram. My favorite social media platform to go on. I have always loved looking at my friends’ posts, stories, and ads. It is crazy to me to read that Instagram had over 7 million users within nine months of launching. That blows my mind. I think that my generation uses Instagram a lot more than other generations because we grew up with it. Now that I am thinking about it, I think every one of my friends has an Instagram account. I really enjoyed the short video of the Instagram founders on the success of the app. The founders said that they came up with the idea in college and decided to roll with it. How cool is that! I feel like I could never come up with an idea in college that would “take over the world.” We will see though!

The overall breakdown of Instagram by the numbers was interesting. I love to look at the charts and graphs in the second section. I thought it was interesting that India has the most users. I remember seeing that India had the most users for Facebook as well. I think it has to do with the large population. I thought it was nice to see when to post on Instagram. The best time on Tuesdays and Wednesdays is 10am to 1pm. I will have to keep that in mind. I loved reading the section on the Instagram business profile. I do not have an Instagram business profile, but I think the whole concept of this type of marketing is very interesting. The professional dashboard was something I didn’t know existed. I think that both the business profile and the professional platform changes the game for marketers. Because Instagram has a huge amount of people who use the app, it can be a great way for marketers to promote their products. 

As I mentioned before, I love the addition of Instagram stories in 2016. I think that using Instagram stories for ads is such a great idea. The number of times I see ads after I view a friend's story is crazy. This might be annoying, but maybe Instagram could have a feature like Snapchat where you can’t click out of the ad? What do you think?


  1. Megan,
    Instagram is my favorite as well! And I love the idea of ads when scrolling through posts as a marketer, but I know it can be annoying on the users end. Will be interesting to see though.
    - Drew Butera


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