I wasn’t that surprised to read that Facebook is the most popular social networking app worldwide. It's interesting to me because I don’t go on Facebook that often. I use Instagram or Snapchat way more than Facebook. My mouth actually dropped when I saw that TikTok is sixth on the list. I hear my friends say that they spend hours watching short videos.

I feel like my generation uses Instagram, Youtube, and TikTok more than Facebook. I say this because I was always under the impression that Facebook is for older people to look at pictures of their grandchildren. But the book proved my thought wrong. It says that the largest user age group is 25-34. I was very shocked at that!

I really enjoyed reading about the Meta Business Suite. I think that it is awesome that this exists. I watched the short video, and I am in awe of everything that it offers. Since I don’t own a business, I don’t have a need for the Meta Business Suite. Maybe sometime in the future I will use it! I didn’t know that there were so many rules for hashtags. It is interesting to read that too many hashtags will lower engagement. I remember when hashtags were the “cool” thing to do. I would put tons of hashtags on an Instagram post when I was younger. The #BeanOutsider example was such a cute idea. When I read the section on L.L. Bean, I actually got curious and looked on their website. It is really interesting to see that their marketing strategy worked on me even though I am not on Facebook.

It was really interesting to read about Facebook Zero because I have never heard of it before. I think that it is interesting that Facebook wanted to have more face-to-face interactions but it just led to a change in the algorithm and engagement. I liked how the book tells companies how to shift their Facebook marketing strategies. I watched the video of Zuckerberg in front of the Senate. I could tell he was scared. He stumbled on his words. He also didn’t know how to respond to some questions.


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