I really enjoyed reading this chapter. I have definitely heard of all of the vocab words before. To be honest, I don’t ever think about my personal brand that much. I think more about my personal vision. After reading the chapter, I now understand my personal brand and personal vision more than before. My personal vision (for right now) is living close to my family, having a full time job, and having a family of my own. I also love the list of common values. All the values listed are very important to me. But if I have to pick five, I would pick: love, kindness, balance, happiness, and honesty. I try to show these values in my life each day.

I think that having passion about the things you do is very important. I love in the book where it says, “Think about your passions and write them down.” So that’s what I am going to do! Some of my passions are cooking, dancing, and sports. Basic I know. Without passion, why do something? I think passion can be seen all around us. 

I had never heard of LinkedIn until my freshman year of college. I am so glad that I found out what it is because it is one of my favorite platforms to go on. What I like about LinkedIn most is the way to connect with professionals in your related field. I have made connections with alumni who I have reached out to. I am actually going to shadow a medical sports surgery over Christmas break because I reached out. Last year, I took a career planning class. We spent a whole month and a half talking about LinkedIn. I found it interesting that the book said that your LinkedIn profile showcases your brand. I have never really thought of that before. Believe it or not, I have never used Twitter/X ever in my life. I could never hop on the bandwagon I guess. I always thought that Instagram and Snapchat were more “my kind” of social media apps. Whenever I think of Twitter/X, I think of a negative connotation. I think of tweets that famous people have said that are not very nice. Or tweets that are negative towards someone.


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