Did anyone hear the storm last week? Well for those of you that didn't, last Wednesday, there was a huge storm at 2 in the morning. Ever since I was little, I have been absolutely terrified of thunder. My mom always said to me growing up, “Megan, you don’t have to be afraid of the thunder. What comes after thunder is what you should be afraid of.” (Meaning lightning). I know that her intentions were good, but me being 6 at the time made me even more scared. So thanks mom. 

I did hear the storm last week, but not for long. With it being the first week of school, I was so tired that I woke up for a solid 30 seconds and then fell back asleep. The storm was so loud and bright. There was a lot of thunder and lightning within that 30 seconds of when I was awake. My whole room lit up multiple times. Surprisingly, I was not that scared. So yay me. I was too tired to care. That’s so shocking to me! I think that if I was to care enough during the storm, then I would have woken up my roommate, who is my twin sister. She even asked me in the morning if I heard the storm and asked if I was okay. I reassured her that I did hear the storm but fell back asleep basically right away. Does this mean that I am growing out of storms? Or does this mean I was too tired from the first week of college? I think that 6 year old Megan would be so proud of me now. She would reward herself by getting a vanilla bean frap at Starbucks for not being scared. She would go to Starbucks now too. 

It was really strange though because I asked my friends if they heard the storm and almost all of them said that they didn’t hear it. Maybe they were all exhausted like I was. My one friend is an orientation leader (OL) at Ohio Northern University. The OL’s job is to show the incoming freshmen around campus before all the returning students come back for the year. Their schedule is non-stop. They are constantly doing things with the freshman and each other. I asked her if she heard the storm and she said to me, “There was a storm last night?” I couldn’t help but to laugh. Yep, the latter is true. We were all too tired.


  1. I woke up at 4 in the morning because of that storm! I think storms can be kind of pretty though, but not when I'm trying to sleep!

  2. That morning the basketball team had morning workouts. I and some teammates thought it might get canceled as we got up and there was lightning to be seen every few seconds. It was crazy, to say the least. Good thing that is in the past.

  3. I slept straight through the storm but I love falling asleep to storms as long as the thunder isn't too loud.


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