CHAPTER 1 READING: Most interesting

 After reading chapter 1, I feel like I have more insight with marketing and social media. I absolutely loved the commercials and ads that the book offers. I had a fun time watching most of them. Something that stood out to me was the blue and green chart on chapter 1.2. I liked how it showed the different social media platforms as well as the percentage of how much consumers and marketers use for customer service. Coming in at first place is Facebook. No surprise there. Done at the bottom of the list is LinkedIn. This really isn’t a surprise to me. Marketing doesn’t come to mind. When I think of LinkedIn, I think of companies hiring or people looking for a new job. 

Oh man. AI. After reading 1.7 and watching the short video, I am low key freaked out. Don’t get me wrong, I think AI is interesting. I just have a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of social media AI influencers. The fact that brands don’t care that AI influencers are not actually people. The adaptability part of the text is true, but I don’t think that “traditional” older people will accept AI. I am very interested in seeing where AI goes and hearing more about it. 


  1. Megan,
    I enjoyed reading your blog about chapter 1. The AI thing is a bit strange in my opinion. I myself do not like the idea of an influencer not being a real person. I also really liked your comparisons you drew with Facebook and LinkedIn.

  2. Megan, I loved reading about how you love helping incoming freshmen! We all know how overwhelming the first year of college can be, and knowing there is someone as determined as you I'm sure is very comforting!


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